John M Lauck
2009-01-14 23:04:27 UTC
Can anyone explain the use of Client.process in most of the example scripts
for xmpp4r?
This method does not appear to be available in the current release and in
all my searches I haven't found any mention of what it was deprecated for
and what new API should be used to handle the same scenario.
A good example is the
xmpp4r-0.4/data/doc/xmpp4r/examples/advanced/getonline.rb script at line 54.
for xmpp4r?
This method does not appear to be available in the current release and in
all my searches I haven't found any mention of what it was deprecated for
and what new API should be used to handle the same scenario.
A good example is the
xmpp4r-0.4/data/doc/xmpp4r/examples/advanced/getonline.rb script at line 54.